green and sustainable development
facts, meanings and opinions - index
Green - vihreä needs to be the key for a sustainable global development.
In this part of the website it is the intention to anticipate on the facts,
meanings, opinions and concepts for a green and sustainable future for the next
generation. It is a hot item to focus on GREEN and green economy. Green and
sustainable are in a way related to each other, but important is to define the
economic relevance. As long as economic grow is based on depletion and
destroying, and is reducing the human contribution there will never be a green
and sustainable economy.
Art centre Saksala ArtRadius is located in a rural environment with agriculture and forestry as main activities.
It is a challenge to develop an art organization on this location and using
the conditions of the environment.
Responsibility is based on respect, knowledge and humanity. For Saksala
ArtRadius this attitude is the base of the art center.
In the arts it is important to reply on reality in an individual way. The
environment is for most
artists an important issue and each artist is replying on a personal way on the
development of the contemporary reality. The art center will offer by this web
pages a sounding board for individual artists but also for, involved
persons, young people and groups to bring facts, meanings, opinions and
concepts to the attention of the society, authorities, press and others.
Art centre Saksala ArtRadius is not an action group and does not want to
create such a group, but is part of the contemporary reality and cannot hide the
organization behind the slogan 'business is business'.
One issue Saksala ArtRadius is working on is how to prepare the youth for
working on a sustainable future. As long as being famous, being well-know, being
rich and be able to get or buy everything what comes up in your mind we give
them a wrong model of our selves.
Nobody can change the world on its own, but together with others it is
possible to change the attitude of many. It is not the intention to propagate
one vision on the future, because that does not exist and is also very
dangerous, but to activate discussions and develop solutions for small and big
issues in local societies.
If you want to change/reform the world, start with yourself.