(developing culture traveling in Etelä-Savo, Finland)
project period June 1 2006 - December 31 2007
essential points of the project ART ENLARGES THE AREA English-Finnish you find on the next page
The idea, to create an art centre and sculpture park in Finland, originate by the Dutch artists Marja de Jong and Lucien den Arend.
In Haukivuori, the area of Saksala was available and extremely suitable for the plans:
- a building with enough space to house:
studios, ateliers, workspaces, museum, gallery, library, meeting room etc.
- an area with fields and forests very suitable for a sculpture park for contemporary art
- a municipality with an eye for the offered possibilities by an art centre and sculpture park
- local community satisfied with the idea the old building will get a new future
- local specialists, like farmers, officials, with an open mind for giving advice
- a nature with many possibilities for tourists, artists, visitors to walk, swim, go on bike
- different other companies with offers like, fishing, canoeing etc
- all kind of events in the area attractive for tourists from abroad
These are good conditions to start a risky plan like this.
The old people’s home Saksala in Haukivuori is a traditional ‘hirsitalo’ lock building build in 1920 and enlarged in 1968 with a brick part; it was empty after 1989 and it was in a bad condition.
It was necessary to invest a huge amount to reconstruct it and to create possibilities to start with the art centre.
Now Saksala is the main area of art centre Saksala ArtRadius and FOAM Sculpture Park.
The art centre has established in 2003.
After the first half of the renovation, the first art activities and programs have start in 2005.
This unique environment offers art and art related activities for different target groups.
- young artists can have a place where they can work while discovering their own artistic direction.
- visitors from Finland and abroad can enjoy the art in the sculpture park, in the museum, the labyrinth and the gallery and can have art courses.
- children and adults can take part in the art courses and workshops.
- professional artists are invited to take part in the symposiums or art contests.
- (art) teachers can have courses, lectures to have new points of view on art education
Together all can contact and inspire each other.
This moment the art centre exists of:
- AllaprimA MuseuM for children’s art, contemporary art and young art (start 2005)
- FOAM Sculpture Park for contemporary sculptures (start 2005, with already 29 sculptures from 13 international sculptors - result of 2 symposiums)
- art gallery (start 2004)
- atelier and workspaces (start 2004 partly renovated)
- art courses (start 2004)
- art education programs (start 2005)
- children’s forest (start 2006)
- art symposiums (first one in 2005 - LESS IS MORE AGAIN and second one in 2006 - HOMO ERECTUS)
- art labyrinth (start with the plans 2006 and the construction is planned for 2007)
- studio-in-field project (ongoing project still no response)
- artist-in-residence program (first artists in winter 2005-2006)
- digital center (still in formation)
- art shop (start 2005 temporary housed in a room of the museum)
- collection children’s paintings from the AllaprimA Foundation (in loan since 2004)
- art library (since 2005 temporary housed in the meeting room)
- meeting room (not renovated)
The art centre and sculpture park are together with the projects, activities and program very important for the development of the art centre and local area.
To develop the historic area of Saksalanharju, Kyyvesi Lake and the village of Haukivuori into a value place to stay, to enjoy, to feel well, and to get inspiring experiences through art in a rural environment.
The activities in art centre Saksala ArtRadius, the AllaprimA MuseuM, the FOAM sculpture park will have an international remarkable artistic area as result.
A good network of art institutions with events like Savonlinna Opera festival, Mikkeli ballet and Mikkeli concert festival, exhibitions in Rettretti museum in Punkaharju, Mikkeli museums, Anttolan Hovi and other local and regional events, exhibitions and activities will offer the travel business an interesting product.
The area will be interesting for professional artists, art related organizations, tourist industry, local and regional inhabitants.
1.1 IDEA
Art is, like science, a basic quality of human life.
The project ART ENLARGES THE AREA is based on the idea art is essential for everyone’s welfare.
People have an inherent power to design their environment and express themselves by art.
Every civilization shows its view on reality by creating art; visual art, music, literature, performances, theater, dance etc. and it is possible to see the relation between reality and their view on it by their art.
Children are the future of each society and we have to invest all our quality to give them tools to create their own life in a permanent changing world.
It is important to grow up with art and have contact with art in every day life.
Artists are able to visualize in a personal way new views on everyday reality.
Every civilization needs artists to open eyes and give new point of views.
- Art is fundamental for the quality and welfare of life and society.
- Art enlarges the personal area and view on daily life.
- Art activities, events and projects enlarge the tourist and economic traffic and the value of the area.
The rural area of Finland is inviting for developing art and art activities because of the special conditions there are:
space, nature, silence, peace and time
The project ART ENLARGES THE AREA needs a stimulating environment to start, to develop and to continue.
The area of Haukivuori has the possibility to grow into an interesting environment where art and art related activities are integrated and a part of the village.
The locations Saksalanharju, the harbor, the islands in the lake, the forests and fields are excellent areas where the project ART ENLARGES THE AREA can taken
place, all kind of art can create by artists, where art can exist and where visitors/travelers can enjoy art.
The art centre is located near road 72 halfway Mikkeli and Pieksämäki.
The main stream of travelers is now going over road 5 and 13.
To open the area for travelers (from abroad) it is necessary to make it attractive to them.
It has to be interesting to drive special to this area.
With the international art centre and sculpture park and with events like symposiums and children’s art this region get a unique value for different target groups and will give more economic traffic in this area for many other companies.
Haukivuori has a railway station and is by that also attractive or people without a car.
- The project ART ENLARGES THE AREA is developing a cultural travel program.
- The project is a development program of the art centre and the aim is to find, in a developing period of the art centre, an economical and continuously way to finance it.
- The project will be a program in the fields of art education, professional art and tourism.
- The project will give more quality and welfare in the life of individual persons and to the entire society.
- The project will create more tourist traffic in the area.
The project ART ENLARGES THE AREA has a lot to offer to different groups
1. teachers from nursery school, kindergarten, primary school, art teachers,
2. professional artists, amateur (free time) artists,
3. tourists, families, children
4. local people
5. travelers, foreigners
preparation period
- making plans and programs for different parts
- calculating the budgets- promotion plans
- applying for stipendiums and sponsoring
- investigation of an international exhibition in the sculpture park in summer 2007
operation period
- artists make plans for the labyrinth
- making plans for exhibition children’s art
- program art education (art) teachers
- preparing the location for the labyrinth
- investigation of the locations for the stone symposium
- preparing the locations in the sculpture park
- investigation for model sponsorship between art and commerce and industry
operation period
- promotion art education summer period
- promotion sculpture park and labyrinth
- final finance plan for the stone symposium
realization period
- realization of the first part of the labyrinth by the artists
- preparing the area for the stone symposium
- art courses and workshops
- presentation in the sculpture park
- result of the first period of art education program with making a follow up for the next years
- program for the stone symposium in 2008
- model for sponsorship and co-operation between art and business world
- plans for an attractive area for tourist industry
location for the stone symposium:
1. art centre Saksala ArtRadius in Haukivuori
2. islands in lake Kyyvesi in Haukivuori
3. harbor and beach of lake Kyyvesi
4. FOAM ArtRadius Sculpture Park in Haukivuori
location for the art education program:
1. art centre Saksala ArtRadius in Haukivuori
2. AllaprimA MuseuM in Haukivuori
location for the labyrinth:
1. a field in the area of art centre Saksala ArtRadius Haukivuori
- the area of the sculpture park belongs to the Haukivuoren Kunta
- the harbor, lake and islands in Kyyvesi are public spaces
7. consequences/results
The results of this project makes the historic area of Saksalanharju, Kyyvesi
Lake and the village of Haukivuori into a value place to stay, to enjoy, to feel
well, and to get inspiring experiences through art in a rural environment the
year round.
Together with the other activities in art centre Saksala ArtRadius, the
AllaprimA MuseuM, the FOAM sculpture park and the labyrinth a remarkable
artistic and tourist attraction in this area will be the result.
Through the activities from Saksala ArtRadius, it will be also attractive for
others to organize different kind of events, like theater, poetry and literature
festivals, music and dance performances. The ambiance of the area will get an
interesting expression and that will result in more travelers -also from abroad.
The Mikkeli area will get more to offer to visitors and the tourist business
will grow.
The area will be attractive for new, small businesses in the field of
recreation, entertainment, restaurants, art shops, art ateliers, art supplies,
renting summer cottages, building new houses.
More jobs and new businesses will be the result of the economic activity through
the project.
The economic situation for the local inhabitants will grow in a positive way,
more visitors, more inhabitants, more challenge to create new ideas.
The area will be interesting the year round and that will break out the
traditional summer holiday period and there will be a longer period of economic
profit from tourists and other visitors.
Co-operation with international tourist branch will bring new groups of tourists
to the area and will bring new international contacts to the local people.
These days people from all over the world are looking for special small-scaled
places, with an own identity and with a personal approach, they will feel well
in this inspiring environment.
The area will get new inhabitants and the social structure will be more various.
The new investments in the area make it interesting and valuable for young
people to stay in the area and not to leave to big cities; they have a future in
the area after a study anywhere else.
With young people, staying in the region the social capital will rise.
The experiences children and youngsters will have with art during their school
time will enlarge their personal reality.
The result of the investment will be many times higher than the invested amount
project period June 1 2006 - December 31 2007
essential points of the project ART ENLARGES THE AREA
English-Finnish you find
on the next page
he project is supported by the European Union.
With this support it is possible to start and continue the ideas of the plan.
The municipal of Mikkeli
supports the idea of the art centre and makes it possible to start the
The paper Länsi-Savo and the constructor company Lemminkäinen Oy take both
part in the start and developing of the program.
In 2007 Suomen Kulttuurirahasto has given a stipendium to realize different
parts of the project.
With the support and
guiding of Etelä-Savo Maakuntaliitto and Etelä-Savon Taidetoimikunta it is
possible to create a good network.
The AllaprimA Foundation supports the art education program by loan the
interesting collection of child art.
Arts Council Finland supports the development of the children's forest, a
part of the art education program.
The bus company De Jong Tours supports the development of the tourist part
of the plan.

Etelä-Savon Maakuntaliitto

Etelä-Savon Taidetoimikunta


AllaprimA Foundation
